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Coffeehouse Vows

Thanksgiving weekend, Publik Coffeehouse in Salt Lake, I was invited to officiate a wedding that included a Groom from California (who made the trip to Salt Lake), a Bride in Iran (with her parents at her home), and witnesses in New York (Groom's family). As a non-denominational minister, wedding officiant, and justice of the peace, most of my wedding ceremonies are face-to-face, in person, at a reception center or wedding hall, but for the same reasons, I also officiate in living rooms and at trailheads, and now inside coffeehouses. This wedding ceremony was special and unique in that there was a small lag in the Zoom call, so the Bride kept interrupting me as I'd say something about marriage, then there would be a few seconds of silence, then she would nod her head in agreement and say something "yes, that's absolutely true", all the while I've moved onto the next section of the service. Ha. Her passion for her guy was clear though, and that's what the wedding ceremony is all about, committing yourself to your favorite person, and having them agree to the same commitments. Weddings are a beautiful thing.

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